The prices in Dominican Republic 2024 | Is it expensive in Dominicana?

Are Dominican prices higher or lower than the Polish ones? What is the cost of food, electronics or flat renting? Check out the prices in Dominicana!
💸The prices in Dominicana – food

The prices in Dominicana are usually 30% more expensive than those in Polish stores. It is mainly due to the fact that many products in Dominicana are being imported. The products that are cheaper in Poland are locally grown vegetables and fruits. The more exotic product (in Dominicana), the more expensive it is. An example: foreign pasta is much more expensive than Dominican one.
Sample prices of food in Dominicana:
- Milk 1l – 65 RD$ → 1,10 USD
- Coffee 1 lb – od 250 RD$ → 4,50 USD
- Coco 280g – 209 RD$ → 3,75 USD
- Rum 700ml – od 500 RD$ → 8,80 USD
- The Lays chips 150g – 149 RD$ → 2,60 USD
- Cheese / 1 lb – 269 RD$ → 4,80 USD
- Coca-cola 2l – 72 RD$ → 1,30 USD
- Flour / 1 lb – 62 RD$ → 1,10 USD
- Shaving gel Nivea – 375 RD$ → 6,70 USD
- Red beans / can- 45 RD$ → 0,80 USD
- Chicken breast / 1 lb- 159 RD$ → 2,80 USD
- Onion / 1 lb – 80 RD$ → 1,40 USD
- Banana / 1 lb – 18 RD$ → 0,30 USD
- Pineapple / piece – 85 RD$ → 1,50 USD
- Watermelon / 1 lb – 30 RD$ → 0,30 USD
- Mango / piece – 40 RD$ → 0,70 USD
- Apple / 1 lb – 74 RD$ → 1,30 USD
- Tomatoes / 1 lb – 29 RD$ → 0,50 USD
💸The prices in Dominicana – fuel

The fuel prices in Dominicana are regimented by the government. This is the reason for the same fuel price on each petrol station in the country. The fuel in Dominicana is divided into regular and premium ones and the prices usually differ around 20-30RD$. The fuel in Dominicana is sold by gallons and most often it is being refueled by the petrol station staff. You can read a separate post about transport in Dominicana here.
💸The prices in Dominicana – rental
The accommodation and flats to rent can be found in many places – AirBnb, Booking or Facebook groups. The biggest discounts in AirBnb can be obtained during a long-term rental, a month long for example. The prices are dependent on the location, standard, equipment etc.
It often happens that cheaper flats to rent for a month are to be found on Facebook groups, where private persons advertise them. The flats are usually a part of a condominium. You can find many interesting offers there and the prices sometimes even start from 750 USD. It is no secret that 750 USD for a month of rental in Dominicana is a very good price. It is worth calculating it in terms of prices for a flight to Dominicana..

💸The prices in Dominicana – electronics

It can be hard when one wants to buy electronics. When I needed to buy a new work monitor I had to order it from Santo Domingo. In the beautiful beaches region of Punta Cana there are no electronics designated stores. The only thing you can buy there is a phone or phone accessories. Such situation is a result of a very low demand for electronics by the locals. The electronics in the whole of Dominicana are very expensive, and it is due to the fact that everything needs to be imported from abroad and is highly taxed.
💸The souvenirs in Dominicana

The souvenirs in Dominicana can be purchased literally everywhere! The more touristically attractive a place, the more expensive they will be. In more tourist-oriented places, like for example in Punta Cana, it is worth visiting a supermarket, because the souvenirs will be much cheaper there than on a beach.
A very popular souvenir from Dominicana is mamajuana, which is an alcohol that is a medicine for everything. Mamajuana is being sold practically everywhere. The interesting thing here is that it is not just a gimmick. Dominicans drink it as well. The price of it in a dried form or a ready to drink one is starting from 15 USD in tourist-oriented places. In one of the more expensive supermarkets in Dominicana (Supermercado Nacional) a mamajuana costs around 400-700 RD$, which is 7-13 USD.

Sample prices of the souvenirs in Dominicana:
- Fridge magnets from 200 RD$ → 3,50 USD
- Figurine from 250 RD$ → 4,50 USD
- Dominican flag from 300 RD$ → 5,40 USD
- Mamajuana from 400 RD$ → 7 USD
If you are still curious you can also check a video on TravelOverSky’s channel about the Prices and Currency in Dominicana.
You will find more articles that will help you get to know this country better in a Dominicana tab!
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